Thursday, May 18, 2017

Pride vs. Humility

Someone said this to me the other day, "If you just give up and listen to me, I would be the best person to you".  I hope that you see the issue I have with this statement, if you don't, than I certainly hope you would feel differently by the end of this blog.

This line in of itself is the primary issue I have in this specific relationship.  I don't want to embarrass or barrage anyone with details, but this person who said this to me, was and to an extent is very important to me. And for this person to say this, that "they" can only be the best person to me if I give up my individuality, my voice, my preference, the person that I am, that makes me ME,
so that "they" can be the best person to me, is appalling.   How can someone ask anyone to give up their opinions and voice, and what kind of person does that make them?

I hope that you would never have to hear those words from anyone, not even from a stranger.  What that sentence implies is if you just agree with me w/out any opinions or questions or even a fair legitimate discussions,  then we would have the best relationship.  It is a very one-sided perspective, that doesn't include or consider any other perspective then their own.  It is coming from a person that doesn't respect your boundaries.

I can understand (I do not agree with it but I can understand) being in a situation where someone might feel that they are 100% right and have limited tolerance for any discussion, but what I don't understand is imposing that on other people regardless of whether or not you need their support.  If you have limited tolerance for a discussion than fine, just don't impose your ideas and keep them to yourself.   For healthy process, we need to have an open mind for an open discussion.  A person is unable to do this when Pride and Ego enters the discussion.  When people get too proud to consider others opinions and have too much ego to admit or even visit the possibility that they may be wrong.  

A key ingredient in any successful relationship is Humility.  To be humble, my friends, is a great feat and more precious a gift you could give to your loved ones.   Humility is to be selfless, it is not to demand your own way and gain superiority over your companions.  To be humble is to value peace greater over everything else.  When a person is humble, they are willing to have faith, understanding and kindness in their relationship, they are willing to respect people's boundaries and are willing to compromise to come to a happy agreement.  They are willing to let go of their "my way or the highway" attitude.  They value their relationship over any personal agenda.   A great relationship is built on appreciating similarities and respecting the differences.  

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