Tuesday, May 14, 2013

THe ULtiMAte QuEsTioN

first off: WOAH its been long since my last post.  Amazing how busy life gets, and how quickly we adapt to all of life's fluctuations and changes.   I guess that's the difference between a smooth transition and a rough one, how quickly you adapt? don't you think?..but I wonder..is adaptation always good?  O.o...the one thing I've learned from my field of Science is nothing is always "always";) there are always exceptions that pop up (get it? "always" exceptions heh).  So I guess the main point is to adapt to fit to your changing environment, so that you may thrive for the future.  Adapt, while planning for the future.  Well, that's my 2 cents.

I could go on forever on adaptions/environments/survival from a philosophical as well as scientific perspective..considering I just took an evolution class that blew my mind in regards to earth's biodiversity and species survival across the globe from marine to terrestrial life. And I would, however, I was faced with the ultimate question yesterday, hence the whole reason for my revisiting my oh so abandoned blog (sorry for the negligence blog *virtual hug*)

So back to the the ultimate question,  I'm sure Im not the only one to ask this, and Im sure its boggled the minds of health conscious consumers before. But I was finally faced with it...

Brita vs Pur-which is better?

I see you...do not laugh or roll your eyes.  It's an important question...Water is a basic need for all living life... Brita was definitely a favorite, but then one fine day, as I strolled along, surveying the various items Costco has to offer; as well as searching for a replacement Brita filter, since we were dangerously close to running out of our stock filters...there I saw it..in an aisle..nicely snug among all kinds of Brita filters was Pur.  It peaked my interest instantly!

My decision is...*drum roll please*... I pick Pur over Brita..

And here's why:

1. It was one of those that fit into your kitchen sink faucet
           -now I know brita has those kinds too but we didnt have it, we had the pitcher, which was becoming very bothersome, because we constantly had to clean it- and we had to soak the filter in warm water before using it, which seemed like forever and a was a pain..

2. Pur's design made it very easy to set up

3. It doesn't get in the way when we need to do the dishes-and we do allot of those..cause everyone in my family is a cook...so you can imagine..oh! especially since the dish washer is out..we're not sure when it'll return to us..

4. The replacement was very easy and accessible...I didnt even need to read the instructions.

5. Overall it was cheaper than Brita- you get 6 filters in a pack, instead of the huge individual Brita filters we had to get for the pitcher.

Lastly but definitely not the least 6.  You may need to fact check this but the water just seemed more purified and tastes better compared to the brita..Pur is certified to remove cryptosporandium and giardia- and as cute as giardia is..I do NOT want it in my water..they are both parasitic protozoans which cause intestinal illness.

I vote Pur. The ultimate question is answered. =)

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